League Mission Statement:(Edited 10/22/23) Printable version

The Southwest Licking Youth Baseball League aspires to be an outstanding, educational, athletic organization that provides a high-quality experience in which every athlete;

  1. Is coached using the principles of youth baseball

  2. Has fun playing the game

  3. Feels like an important part of the team regardless of performance

  4. Learns life lessons that have value beyond the playing field

  5. Learns the skills, tactics & strategies of the game to improve as a player

We recognize that our coaches & volunteers directly make this possible. Our goal is to provide all coaches with as many tools as possible to succeed. We are committed to creating a culture in which volunteers, coaches, parents, fans, umpires & athletes work together to achieve our mission.


SWLYB Board of Directors:

·         The SWLYB Board of Directors will include five positions

·         Board members will be elected for up to two-year terms

o    Upon the completion of their term board members may run for re-election

o    The current board of Directors will vote to confirm new or re-elected board members

·         Each board position is responsible for tasks related to the operation of the league & will nominate committee members for 1-year terms

o    Committee member nominees will be confirmed by a majority vote the SWLYB Board of Directors

o    Committee members will have voting privileges provided they have regular attendance at meetings

§  Board members should include representation from all divisions to ensure continuity of the league


Board of Directors & Committee Responsibilities:

1.     President – Andrew Yakubesin

o    Oversee league

o    Umpires – Delegated to Brian Ashford

o    Seasonal duties

2.     Vice President – Tom Snider

o    Scheduling

o    Division committees

o    Draft

3.     Treasurer – Tricia Heater

       o  League finances

o    Fundraising

o    Trash & Toilets

4.     Secretary – Jennifer Hickman 

o    Registration

o    Scheduling pictures

o    Communication/Social media

5.     Field & Maintenance – David Webb

o    Maintenance

o    Equipment

o    Safety supplies

o    Mowing

6.     Sponsorships – Andy Brown

o    Corporate sponsorships

o    Sponsorship engagement

7.     Coaches Representative – Kevin Skinner

o    Coaches & communication

o    Coaching development 

o    Coaches clinic & training

8.     Players Representative – Bo Ramsey

o    Player development

o    Scheduling tournaments

o    Trophies

o    Uniforms


Board Member Authority:

  1. Board members have the authority to intervene when observing unsportsmanlike or unsafe conduct

    1.  In these cases, the board will meet within 7 days to review the conduct observed

  1. Board members have the authority to suspend or replace any coach which they believe is under the influence of drugs or alcohol during a team event or violating any said content within these by-laws

    1. The board will meet within 7 days to determine the length of suspension or replacement of the coach

  1. Board members may order a fan to leave the ball park if they are interrupting a league event

  2. The President & Treasurer have the authority to authorize spending up to $250.00

    1. Any purchases or expenditures of $100.00 or more must be approved by the League President or Vice President & (1) other SWLYB Board Member

    2. Any expenditure not made for ordinary operating expenses requires the approval of the Board of Directors

    3. Any expenditure or purchase in an amount greater than $250.00 will be subject to SWLYB Board of Directors approval

  1. The SWLYB Board of Directors is the final authority in scheduling all league events

  2. Board members shall take any action in which they reasonably believe necessary for the operation of the league & to promote the goals of youth baseball, unless otherwise prohibited by these by-laws

  3. Upon the resignation or termination of a board member, the remaining members shall replace the vacated position for the remainder of their term

  4. Board members are expected to attend all board meetings & participate in other volunteer duties

    1. If they are unable or choose not to do so the remaining board members will vote to retain the member or fill their position with another individual

SWLYB Board Meetings:

1.     Attendance is encouraged by all board members at meetings

2.     Meetings are open to the public & will be announced at least 7 days prior via social media

3.     The board reserves the right to dismiss & go into executive session whenever needed


Voting Members & Rights:

  1. The SWLYB encourages volunteer participation regarding league business & direction


 Voting privileges can be obtained by the following:

1.     Member of the Board of Directors

2.     Confirmed Committee Member

3.     Additional Voting Members

§ Requires attendance at two consecutive meetings

§ Two consecutive missed meetings shall forfeit voting privileges


The 5-member Board of Directors will vote on the following:

1.     Budgets & Financial reports

2.     Expenditure over $250.00

3.     Contracts with vendors

4.     Coaches & Schedules

5.     Board member confirmation

6.     Committee member confirmation


Board Members, Confirmed Committee & Voting Members have voting rights on the following:

1.     Expenditures & Park improvements of over $250.00

2.     Changes to League Regulations & Rules of Play