Official Rec Rules of Play:(Edited 1/22/23) Printable version

General Playing Rules:

  • General playing rules will be governed by rules as detailed in the Little League Rule Book

  • The SWLYB Board reserves the right to enact special playing rules appropriate to each division.

  • Home Team book is always the official book of record for games, pitch counts & any other statistics that come into question.

  • Umpire rulings are always considered final, no games can be played under protest.

    • The head coach is the only individual allowed to approach the umpire about any game play rulings.

  • We encourage all players to wear a protective cup and chest protection shirt under their uniforms.

Special Playing Rules: 

Base Awards:

  • Any fair ball hit under, through or over the fence on a bounce will be a ground rule double.

  • Any fair ball that hits the power line on D1 or D2 shall be ruled a ground rule triple.

Game Stoppages:

  • If a game is suspended for any reason within the 1st inning and play cannot resume that day, the make-up game will be deemed a restart

  • Once the 1st inning has been completed, the makeup game will pick up from the exact spot in which the game was suspended.

  • If play is suspended after 4 complete innings or 3½ innings when the home team is ahead, the game is considered completed and no make-up game will be scheduled

  • All games are governed by a time limit of 1 hr & 45 min with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes

    • If the time limit is reached with the game still tied, the game ends in a tie.  If the game ends early due to weather the remainder of the game will be played at a later date.  The pitch count in that game stands for the rescheduled date.

Substitute players from lower divisions:

  • Head coaches must notify the opposing head coach of all sub-player’s pre-game.

    • A sub-player can only be pulled from the division beneath

    • A sub-player cannot pitch & must bat last.

    • A sub-player may not be used if you have enough players for your team.

Warming-up players:

  • Teams are encouraged to warm-up & start games on time or early whenever possible.

  • On deck batters may take warm-up swings while wearing a helmet in foul territory in the outfield grass

  • Coaches can warm-up pitchers inside the fence if there is no game in progress.

    • If there is a game in progress, coaches will warm-up players outside of the fence.

Lightning Guidelines:

  • All individuals are ultimately responsible for their own safety & should monitor threatening weather conditions.  The same guidelines used by the OHSAA will be used by SWLYB.

  • If any board or committee member asks teams to clear the field, coaches must honor that request.



  • Umpire(s) & head coaches are responsible to make the call to stop play, remove individuals from the field & announce a warning to the spectators.

  • If a thunderstorm appears imminent before or during any activity (regardless of whether lightning is seen, or thunder heard), postpone or suspend the activity until the hazard has passed.  Even storms that are many miles away can pose a danger from lightning.


  • Generally, a fully enclosed vehicle with the windows rolled up tends to be safer than being outside so long as contact with metal surfaces inside & outside the vehicle is avoided.

    • Dugouts, picnic pavilions & rain shelters are not appropriate shelters.

  • All individuals have the right to leave, without fear of repercussions or penalty, to seek a safer structure or location if they feel they are in danger from impending lighting activity.

    • Safety is the number one consideration; any activity can be made up later.

Wait Time:

  • Once an activity has been suspended due to lightning, at least 30 minutes are required prior to resuming activity.

  • The 30-minute waiting period shall reset each time additional thunder or lightning is observed.

    • A clear sky or lack of rainfall are not adequate indicators for resuming play.

    • The minimum 30-minute return-to-play waiting period shall not be shortened.

  • If any signs of thunderstorm activity remain in the area or if the weather forecast indicates the threat is not over, play should not be resumed even after the 30-minute waiting period.

Bat & Equipment Guidelines:


  • If you play baseball at SWLYB you need to use a bat marked with a USA Baseball stamp. Bats marked with a 1.15BPF stamp are no longer legal for play.

Approved Bats:

  • SWLYB regular season games & division tournament play.

    • USA marked 2 5/8” & 2 ¼” bats are legal for league & division playoff play.

  • Any bat marked with the 1.15BPF stamp is ILLEGAL and is NOT allowed in play.

  • Pre-season & All-Star tournaments will comply with the organization hosting the tournament.

    • No assurances can be provided as to the bat rules of other organizations.

Wood Bats:

  • Only 2¼” youth wood bats are approved for play, although they are discouraged for use.

Tee Ball:

  • Tee Ball bats (26" & shorter) are approved for use.


  • Any bat discovered prior to the game that does not conform to the above rule shall be removed immediately & not be allowed for use during the game.

  • If an illegal bat is discovered prior to a batter completing his at bat the bat will simply be removed from play & the at bat continues.

  • If a player using an illegal bat or non-conforming barrel dimension hits a fair ball it will be ruled an out

    • No advancement on the bases will be allowed & any outs during the play stand.

  • Multiple or continued infractions will result in discipline of coaches and/or players on a case-by-case basis.

  • If you have any questions on approved or non-compliant bats, contact the SWLYB board.


Majors Division:

  • The Majors division will play 9 defensive players in the field.  

    • Teams may start with 8; but must take an out for their missing 9th batter.

    • Teams with 7 or less players will be a forfeit and head coaches can agree to scrimmage in place of the game.  The game will not be rescheduled.

  • Only (3) Coaches/Assistant Coaches are allowed on the field & in the dugout.

    • Additional Coaches and/or Scorekeepers shall be outside the fences.

  • Majors division will play on 70’ bases with a 50’ pitcher’s mound

  • Majors mercy rule is a 15-run lead after 3 complete innings 10-runs after 4 complete innings or 8 runs after 5 complete innings.  There is no maximum run limit per inning.


  • Majors division will roster bat all season with free defensive substitutions

    • A team must end the game with the same number of batters in the lineup as when the game started or take an out for the vacated batter, only exception is for a player injury during the game.

  • No slug bunting, any player that slug bunts will be called out.

  • Dropped 3rd strike rule and infield fly rule are in play

  • Lead offs and steals are permitted in the Majors division

  • Courtesy runner will be allowed for the catcher only with 2 outs.  The courtesy runner must be the last recorded out.

  • No player shall slide headfirst into any base unless the runner is returning back to the previous base on a throw.

  • Players MUST slide if the defense is making a play at that base.  Failure to do so will result in the runner being called out.


  • Every player must participate in each game defensively for a minimum of (6) outs.  They do not have to be consecutive.

  • Any 10-year-old drafted to the Majors must participate in each game for a minimum of (12) outs This is based on a 6 inning game.  They do not have to be consecutive.


  • Balk rule will be in play with each individual pitcher getting 1 warning

  • Each team will only be permitted 2 trips to the mound per game, this only applies to trips that do not result in a pitching change.

  • Once a pitcher is removed from a game, they cannot re-enter the same game as a pitcher, regardless of the number of pitches thrown.

  • Hit by Pitch Rule; 2 max per inning, 3 max per game per pitcher.

    • Unless it is determined batters are intentionally turning into the pitch (Umpires ruling)

Pitch Counts for the Majors Division



0-20 pitches

0 days rest

21-35 pitches

1 day rest

36-50 pitches

2 days rest

51-65 pitches

3 days rest

66+ pitches

4 days rest

Inning maximum =30 pitches / Game maximum = 85 pitches

Preps Division:

  • The Preps division plays 10 defensive players in the field (4 outfielders)

    • Teams may start with 8 but must take outs for their missing 9th and 10th batter.

    • No defensive Rover position is permitted

    • Teams with 7 or less players will be a forfeit and head coaches can agree to scrimmage in place of the game.  The game will not be rescheduled.

  • Preps will play on a field with 60’ bases and 46’ pitcher’s mound

  • A maximum of (5) runs can be scored in each inning.

  • Prep mercy rule is 11-run lead after 4½ complete innings or 6-run lead after 5 complete innings.

  • Only (4) coaches/assistant coaches are allowed on the field & in the dugout.

    • Additional coaches and/or scorekeepers shall be outside the fences.


  • Teams are required to roster bat.

    • A team must end the game with the same number of batters in the lineup as when the game started or take an out for the vacated batter, only exception is for a player injury during the game.

  • No dropped third strike, infield fly, or balk rules

  • Baserunners cannot attempt to steal a base until the pitch crosses the front edge of home plate, no lead offs are permitted.

    • Any runners attempting to lead off or steal early can be called out. (Umpires decision)

  • No player shall slide headfirst into any base unless the runner is returning back to the previous base on a throw.

  • Players MUST slide if the defense is making a play at that base.  Failure to do so will result in the runner being called out.

  • No slug bunting, any player that slug bunts will be called out.


  • Every player must participate in each game defensively for a minimum of (6) outs.

  • They do not have to be consecutive.


  • Once a pitcher is removed from a game, they cannot re-enter the same game as a pitcher, regardless of the number of pitches thrown.

  • Hit by Pitch Rule; 2 max per inning, 3 max per game per pitcher.

    • Unless it is determined batters are intentionally turning into the pitch (Umpires ruling)

Pitch Counts for the Preps Division



0-20 pitches

0 days rest

21-35 pitches

1 day rest

36-50 pitches

2 days rest

51-65 pitches

3 days rest

66+ pitches

4 days rest

Inning maximum =35 pitches / Game maximum = 75 pitches

Minors Division:

  • Minors division will be “coach pitch” all season.

  • Minors will play on a field with 60’ bases and 46’ pitcher’s mound

  • Minor league has up to (4) coach / assistant coaches per team

  • No coach is allowed on the field while their team is on defense. (Except as below)

  • (1) Coach may position behind the batter’s box to help speed the game up on missed or passed balls.

  • (1) Defensive coach will serve as the umpire in the field.

  • Additional coaches and/or scorekeepers shall be outside the fences.

    • Every player must participate in each game defensively for a minimum of (6) outs.

  • Teams with 8 or less players will be a forfeit and head coaches can agree to scrimmage in place of the game.  The game will not be rescheduled.

  • A maximum of (5) runs can be scored in each inning.

  • Mercy rule for Minors will be 11-runs after 4½ complete innings or 6-runs after 5 complete innings.


  • Each team will provide the opposition with their batting order & players’ numbers.

  • Full facemasks are required for all batting helmets in the Minor League.  Chin protectors are NOT counted as facemasks.

  • All teams shall roster bat for the entire game.

  • Any player arriving late shall be placed on the bottom of the batting order.

  • Teams must start the game with a minimum of 9 players.

  • If for any reason a player cannot finish the game, an out will be taken for that player’s place in the order except for players who leave the game due to injury.

  • Each batter may receive (6) pitches.

    • (3) Missed swings by a batter will make the batter out

    • There are unlimited fouls on the 6th pitch & after

  • The “bad last pitch rule is in effect.” Per the umpire’s discretion one additional pitch may be given if the final pitch is deemed bad (Pitch hits the batter, bounces in front of the plate or is over the child’s head)


  • Runners are not allowed to lead off or steal a base.

  • A batter or runner may advance one base on an overthrow or error.

  • Limit of one overthrow per at bat

  • On a ball hit to the outfield, once the ball is returned to the infield, baserunners may not advance beyond the base they are currently running to.  The ball does not need to be controlled by a player in the infield.

Coach Pitcher & Fielding Pitchers:

  • Coach pitchers must use a baseball glove.

  • A batted ball which hits the coach on the mound, is a dead ball & the pitch will not count.

  • Coach pitchers must start their throw from behind a line at 40ft from home plate & must pitch overhand to each batter.

  • Fielding pitchers must be in-line with the pitching rubber (46’ from home) & within 5’ of the center of the pitching rubber (to the left or right of the coach pitcher)

  • They may not interfere with the opposing team’s pitching coach.

  • Fielding pitchers must wear a batting helmet with a facemask or equivalent face guard.

  • No player will play in front of a line 45 feet from home plate.


  • Minors will play with 10 players in the field  (4 outfielders only, no “rover” positions)

  • Outfielders must be positioned a minimum of 10’ deep in the outfield grass & will consist of (4) players whenever the roster allows.

  • Outfielders can not run the ball to the infield to make a play at a base or to create a dead ball.

  • Each player must play at least 3 outs at an infield position in every game.

  • No player may play more than 9 outs at any one specific position in a game.

Rookie Division:

  • Rookie league will be coach pitch all season.

  • Rookie league will have up to (4) coaches.

  • The team at bat may use a 1st & 3rd base coach in addition to a batting coach & coach pitcher.

  • The team in the field may use no more than 3 coaches in the field while playing defense and must be positioned behind the outfielders to prevent any opportunities for interference to game play.

  • The defensive “Head Coach” will serve as the umpire.

    • Additional Coaches and/or Scorekeepers shall be outside the fences.

  • Every player must participate in each game defensively for a minimum of (6) outs.

  • They do not have to be consecutive.


  • Each team will provide the opposition with their batting order & players’ numbers.

  • Full facemasks are required for all batting helmets in the Rookie division.  Chin protectors are NOT counted as facemasks.

  • All teams shall roster bat for the entire game.

  • Any player arriving late shall be placed at the bottom of the batting order.

  • Teams must start the game with a minimum of 8 players.

  • If for any reason a player cannot finish the game, an out will be taken for that player’s place in the order except for players who leave the game due to injury.

  • Each batter will receive up to 5 pitches.  Foul balls count as a pitch.

  • The 6th “Pitch” will be hit off the Tee.  There are no “do over” or bad pitch rules in effect.

  • A maximum of 5 runs can be scored in each inning.


  • Runners are not allowed to lead off or steal a base.

  • Runners may not advance on overthrows

  • On a ball hit to the outfield, once the ball is returned to the infield, baserunners may not advance beyond the base they are currently running to.  The ball does not need to be controlled by a player in the infield.

Coach Pitcher & Fielding Pitchers:

  • Coach pitchers must use a baseball glove.

  • A batted ball which hits the coach on the mound, is a dead ball & the pitch will not count.

  • Coach pitchers must start their throw from a line 30ft from home plate  & must pitch overhand to each batter.

  • Fielding pitchers must be in-line with the pitching rubber (38’ from home) & within 5’ of the center of the pitching rubber (to the left or right of the coach pitcher)

  • They may not interfere with the opposing team’s pitching coach.

  • All fielding pitchers must wear a batting helmet with a facemask.

  • No player will play in front of a line 38 feet from home plate.


  • Rookie teams may play with (9) (No Catcher needed)

  • Outfielders must be positioned a minimum of 10’ deep in the outfield grass & will consist of (4) players whenever the roster allows.

  • Outfielders can not run the ball to the infield to make a play at a base or to create a dead ball.

  • Each player must play at least 3 outs at an infield position in every game.

  • No player may play more than 6 outs at any one specific position in a game.

T-Ball Division:

  • The T-Ball Division will play at least 10 games per team per season.

  • The team at bat may use a 1st & 3rd base coach in addition to a batting coach & coach pitcher.

    • The team in the field may use a reasonable number of coaches in the field while playing defense.

  • There is no scorebook & no official score for any T-Ball games.


  • Teams will roster bat a minimum of 2 innings per game (whatever time allows)

    • Coaches can use their discretion in deciding to end games early.

  • All players must be placed in the batting order to be used for the entire game.

    • Any player arriving late shall be placed on the bottom of the batting order.

  • Full facemasks are required for all batting helmets in the Minor League.  Chin protectors are NOT counted as facemasks.

  • Coaches shall pitch to the kids overhand.

  • Every batter shall get (3) pitches from their coach.

    • If they fail to put a pitched ball in play, they shall hit from the Tee until they do so.

      • There are no strikeouts.


  • Runners may not leave their base until the batter has hit the ball.

  • Runners shall not advance more than 1 base on any batted ball unless the ball was hit by the last batter of the inning.


  • Players should not run the ball to a base when another player is covering the base.

    • If this happens, educate the child making the play & the base runner is called safe.

  • All players shall play defense each inning.

    • The defense may play (1) infield “rover” in addition to a pitcher, catcher, shortstop, 1st, 2nd & 3rd basemen.

    • The remaining defensive players must be placed in the outfield & must be positioned a minimum or 5’ deep on the outfield grass.

    • No fielders shall begin play in foul or fair territory closer than 35’ to home plate.

  • Fielding pitchers must be in-line with the pitching rubber and must wear a helmet with a facemask.

  • Coaches should use caution when positioning players whose skill level may put them at risk of injury.

    • Example: 1st base should be reserved for players who can protect themselves from a thrown ball.