League Regulations:(Edited 1/22/23) Printable version


General Rules:


  • No pets are allowed on park property under any circumstances

  • Firearms or any other weapons are prohibited on the park property

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited on park property

  • Visitors park at their own risk

  • Visitors enter the park at their own risk.  All persons entering the park must take care of their own safety and those accompanying them. No liability will be accepted for loss or damage or injury for persons or vehicles.  

Background Check Policy:


  • All head coaches, assistant coaches, team volunteers, concession stand leads, umpires & board members MUST submit a proper background check paperwork

  • Anyone who fails to provide a background check, when asked by the SWLYB board, will be prohibited from volunteering in the league any capacity


An individual will be ruled ineligible for ANY of the following:


  1. All sex offenses, regardless of the amount of time passed since offense

    1. Child molestation, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sodomy, prostitution, solicitation or indecent exposure

  1. All felonies that constitute offenses against a person, regardless of the amount of time passed since the offense

    1.  Murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, kidnapping, robbery or aggravated burglary

  1. All felony offenses other than those against a person or sexual in nature within 10yrs

    1. Drug offenses, theft, embezzlement & fraud

  1. All misdemeanors offenses against a person within the past 7yrs

    1. Simple assault, battery, domestic violence or hit & run

  1. Misdemeanor drug & alcohol offenses within the past 5 years or multiple offenses in the past 10 years

    1. Driving under the influence, simple drug possession, drunk & disorderly, public intoxication, possession of drug paraphernalia

  1. Any misdemeanor within the past 5 years that could pose a potential danger to children or is directly related to the functions of the applicant

    1.  Including theft if the person is handling money

  1. Been adjudged liable for civil penalties or damages involving sexual or physical abuse of children

  2. Been subject to any court order involving sexual abuse or physical abuse of a minor

    1. Including a domestic order of protection

  1. Has had their parental right terminated

If applicant is ruled ineligible:

  • A “notice of appeal” must be sent via registered mail, to the SWLYB Board within 30 days of receiving a failed background check

    • The appellant process will be reviewed by the SWLYB Board 

A “notice of appeal” must contain the following:

1.     Full name & address of the appellant

2.     The name & address of the person, if making the request on behalf of the appellant (Lawyer)

3.     The grounds for the appeal (provide additional facts or factual errors in the decision)

4.     Any background facts relevant to the appeal

5.     A description of the relief requested (what do you want in the end)

6.     The signature of the appellant or representative


The decision to allow an individual to volunteer in the league must pass a SWLYB Board of Directors vote & must be unanimous




Coach Nomination:


  • All coaches must be selected by majority vote of the SWLYB Board of Directors each year

    •  The league shall post open coaching positions on the SWLYB website at least (1) week prior to voting on any position

    • Prior to selecting a coach, the board shall consider applicants that have expressed an interest in a coaching position within the time restrictions set by the board 

    • Returning coaches may request the same team sponsor from the previous season

    •  Only if coaching in the same division & if the sponsor is committed prior to the draft

    • Coaches that are new to a division cannot select their team sponsor

    • The Board will place coaches new to a division on an open team via blind draw

When selecting Coaches, the board shall consider: 


1.     The results of the candidates’ criminal background check

2.     Coaching ability including but not limited to:

o    Temperament

o    Skill in working with youth

o    Sportsmanship

o    Conduct from previous years

3.     The candidates’ history of service to the league, including work on field maintenance, umpiring, fundraising & concessions

4.     If the candidate previously managed in SWLYB

o    Whether the candidate previously managed in a different age group

o    If the candidate was an Assistant Coach for a team that needs a Head Coach

5.     Any other factor that the board believes reflects upon the personality of the candidate


Assistant Coach Selection:


  • All Assistant Coaches must have approval of the SWLYB Board

    •  In all cases the input of Head Coaches considered before approval of Assistant Coaches

Coaches & Assistant Coaches Conduct & Behavior:


  • All coaches shall display professional & respectful conduct during all interactions with the league, team, parents, umpires, volunteers & board members

A coach may be disciplined or replaced by the Board at any time for any of the following:


o    Acting in a manner posing an unreasonable risk to the safety or welfare of the players

o    Acting in an abusive manner toward any Player, Umpire or Board Member

o    Fails to complete any required training

o    Possesses or consumes alcohol or illegal drugs on League grounds or works with their team while under the influence

o    Fails to meet any obligations with respect to field maintenance, fundraising, umpiring, concessions or attending mandatory meetings

o    Convicted of any criminal offense that indicates or poses a threat to the safety of the players

o    Engages in violent behavior on League property or team events

o    Cheats or performs any action to give their team an unfair advantage in a game

o    Disregards recommendations from the SWLYB board regarding individual player development


Head Coaching Responsibilities:


  • Head Coaches should delegate some responsibilities, but understand that they will the primary point of contact between league management and their team

    • The Head Coach can assign a team parent to assist with these tasks, but is still ultimately responsible for their completion

Head Coaches shall:


  1. Distribute, Collect & Return all completed league forms required for their team & players

    1. Forms need to be returned within 1 week of the first scheduled practice

    2.  If forms are not turned, the team will not be permitted to practice until all team forms have been turned in

  1. Communicate with their team parents to assure they are informed of all league events

    1. Concession stand schedule, Raffle ticket fundraiser, etc. 

  1. Follow the Ground Maintenance program guidelines & participate in field work on designated days/evenings

    1.  If a team does not have proper representation (1 minimum) during scheduled field work duties the Head Coach will be suspended for (1) game for each occurrence

  1. Schedule volunteers to work concessions on designated days/evenings

    1. These duties may be assigned & discipline will be awarded for failure to participate

    2. Discipline:

      1.  1st Offense: VBO option will be utilized or duties will be reassigned ASAP

      2.  2nd Offense: VBO option will be utilized or player will be suspended for 1 game & duties will be reassigned ASAP

  1. Provide volunteers to umpire games at designated times

    1. If a team does not have proper representation during scheduled umpire duties, that Head Coach will be suspended for 1 game for each occurrence

  1. Distribute, Collect & Return raffle tickets & all money collected as directed by the SWLYB Board of Directors

  2. Submit in writing to the SWLYB Board & the opposing Head Coach the reason(s) any player is benched for disciplinary action

    1.  This shall occur within 24 hours of the incident in all cases


Field Decorum:


  • Coaches, Assistant Coaches & Players are responsible for picking up trash on their half of the field, emptying trash cans into the dumpster & cleaning out their dugout after their game

    • Our players should have a sense of pride in their park & that starts by assisting their coaches

    • Additionally; each Head Coach will be responsible for having a team representative assist with field maintenance in a schedule assigned by the SWLYB Board

Early Games:


  • Both teams shall be responsible for preparing the field

    • Raking

    • Lining

    • Cleaning out their dugout & dumping their trash prior to turning the field over to the late game

Late Games:


  • Both teams shall clean drag/rake field after all games

    • Please rake parallel to the baselines & From the grass into the dirt

      • Infield lips adversely affect the game, prevent rain drainage & pose a safety risk to our players

o    Assure all Tools & Equipment are put away

o    Turn off the field lights & scoreboards

o    Assure the sheds/press boxes are locked

o    Assure the trash cans are emptied into the dumpster

o    Check with the Concessions Lead to assure they do not need assistance before leaving for the night




  • A regular season shall provide not less than 12 games per team per regular season

    • Excluding playoff & tournament games

Weekday evenings in which 2 games are scheduled:


Early Games:


  • The 1st game is to start promptly at 5:30 PM

  • The 1st game may not begin a new inning after 7:15 PM

    • There shall not be an unnecessary delay between innings to stall the game

General Guidelines for “On/Off Times”:


o    The “Off Time” guideline is set at 30 Seconds

o    The “On Time” guideline is set at 1 Minute

Penalty: “Balls or Strikes” may be assessed by the umpire for unreasonable delays during Majors & Preps games


  • If the game does not start on time due to weather or field preparation the 1st game may not begin a new inning after 7:15 PM

    • This game will be stopped & rescheduled per league make-up rules

Late Games:


  • No inning shall be started after 1 hour 45 minutes from the game start time or in the case of a late start, 9:50 PM

  • If an umpire is not on time, the game is to start as soon as both teams are ready for play using a coach from the opposing team to call the pitches from behind the mound

Make-up Games:


  • Shall be scheduled on or before the 1st Sunday following the rain-out/suspended game

  • SWLYB Board will assign a new date & time for make-up games

  • Rain-out games must be played in the same order that they were missed

  •  Pitch count rule stands for all make-up games

  • Penalty for failing to make up a game when weather permits is a forfeit


  • A team may play 1 doubleheader in a calendar week if approved by both Head Coaches & the League President

    • No team shall play(3 games in a day (Except for tournament play)




League Age:


  • April 30th will be the date used to determine the “League Age” of all players during the regular season, end of season playoffs & other baseball activities hosted at Lions park

    • Tournaments hosted by other organizations that SWLYB attends both pre-season & during All-Stars may utilize other dates for league age eligibility

Division Coordinators:


  • Each division will assign or elect a coordinator who will oversee the following duties;

1.     Act as a liaison for the board of directors to disseminate information to the coaches/parents/kids of their division & vice versa. They will handle issues & discrepancies within their division & bring any of these issues to the SWLYB board

2.     At times, the division coordinator will help with assigned duties from the league on; field maintenance, scheduling & concession stand duties as needed

3.     Division coordinators will always act in the best interest of the child, league, board of directors & parents in this order

4.     Any coordinator can be removed by a majority vote by the SWLYB board at any time should the need arise

5.     Their term will last for the duration of the spring baseball season of that calendar year


Division Standings:


  • Division Champions shall be the team in each League that wins the most regular season games



  • Winning percentage, Head-to-head, Runs allowed, Runs scored


Division Make-ups:


Any player who wishes to move up an age division MUST attend evaluations for that age division, this does not guarantee they will be drafted in that division.


Major Division:

·         All eligible 11 & 12-year old players must play in the Major Division


Prep Division:

·         Consists of 9 & 10-year old players with kids pitching


Minor Division:

·         Also referred to as Coach Pitch is for 7 & 8-year old players


Rookie Division:

·         This division is for 5-year old & 6-year-olds that have participated in (1) year of Tee Ball


Tee Ball Division:

·         Tee Ball is for 4 year old & 5-year old players who are new to SWLYB



Team Make-ups:


  • Prior to the draft the SWLYB Board shall determine the “target” number of teams in each division based upon the number & ages of eligible players

  • The Board reserves the right to add or delete teams as circumstances dictate

  • All SWLYB teams will carry a minimum number of (11) players on their roster

  • The board will attempt to place no more than (13) players on any roster

  • If a coach during the first one-third of the season, loses one or more players from their roster another player may be obtained through the SWLYB Board

    • The playing ability of a player shall not constitute a justifiable reason for replacement

    • The determination will be made by SWLYB Board within (1) week from the notification

  • No ride-share or any other requests will be honored to play for a certain team or coach

o    Except for T-Ball

o    Petitions may be approved by the SWLYB Board on a case-by-case basis


Player Evaluations:


  •  Head coaches will attend evaluations to evaluate players for their own use during the draft

  • Any player returning to the same division which they played in last year, need not come to an evaluation

  • Returning players will remain on the same team for which they played last year

  • Any player required to move up because of age or a player wishing to be considered to play up 1 division must attend the evaluation for that age group

  • Any player that did not participate in the previous spring baseball season is required to attend an evaluation for their approved league age division

    • This includes players new to the area, played in another league or did not play last year

  •  Any player that does not fit into one of the above categories or for questions regarding player evaluations contact the SWLYB Board


Player Draft:


  • The player draft will be conducted by members of the SWLYB Board or designees

  • Any player who is the child or grandchild of a Head Coach shall play on that coaches’ team

  • A player must play on the team that they are drafted by

    • Except for unique situations for which SWLYB Board approval is required in all cases


Major, Preps, Minors & Rookie Drafts:


1.     The Team name, Head Coach & the Roster of returning players shall be listed for all teams in the division

2.     Teams will randomly draw a number to determine the draft order

3.     After the 1st selection; the draft will continue “swim style” beginning left-to-right then proceeding right-to-left

4.     The third round of the draft is the catchup round, this is also the round in which coaches’ children & grandchildren are selected (Head Coach only)

5.     Teams will select players until no players who attended evaluations remain or the team rosters are deemed full by the SWLYB Board.

o    Prior to the start of the draft; the total amount of players permitted on each team roster will be determined based on the needs of each division

  • Players who did not attend evaluations will be blind drawn after all other players have been drafted.  Blind draw order will follow the same order of the draft.

  • No player can be drafted unless they attend evaluations for that age group, they must be blind drawn.

6.     A coaches’ family member(s) or sponsors child must be selected according to the following:

o    The child/children must be selected in the 3rd round of the player pool

o    If the team sponsors child/children are not associated with the Head Coach, they will be selected in the 3rd round of the draft

§  The SWLYB Board will review & approve these draft choices in all instances


Tee Ball Divisions:


  • There will be no evaluation or draft for T-Ball or the Rookie Division

    • The SWLYB Board will place players via a blind draw (Except for coaches & sponsors)


“All-Star” Tournament Teams:


  • Upon the conclusion of the spring season “All-Star” Teams will be named for the 8U, 10U & 12U divisions

    • “A” All-Star teams will represent SWLYB in 3 tournaments played in July, any “B” All-star teams will represent SWLYB in 2 tournaments played in July. Any other All-star teams will only play in the tournament hosted by SWLYB.



  • All-Star players are expected to fulfill the obligations associated with this honor, which include attending all mandated practices & tournament games

  • SWLYB recognizes that not all players will be able to participate. We ask that before committing, each player & family carefully consider the time required & be able to attend ALL practices & tournaments

  • Each head coach in each division should interview their players and their parents to make sure they can make this commitment before they nominate their players.



  • Head Coaches will be selected prior to the end of the regular season

    • Head Coaches must have coached during the regular season

  • Interested coaches must contact SWLYB Board prior to the All-Stars selection meeting

  • The SWLYB Board will decide on the head coach for each level

    • Head Coaches will be allowed to choose 2 assistant coaches

Player Selections:


  • Eligible players will have played in Minors, Prep or Majors

  • A player MUST participate in at least 80% of the regular season games to be eligible to play on an All-Star Team

8U Minors:


  • Each coach will nominate players from their team

  • Nominated players will then be voted on by the coaches of the Minor division

  • The team will carry a minimum of 12 players after the 12 players have been selected, the head coach may select a 13th player if they wish to do so

10U Preps


  • Each Prep Head Coach shall nominate players from their team, also each Major head coach shall nominate any 10-year-old player from the Major division

  • Nominated players will then be voted on by the coaches of the Prep & Major divisions.

    • 10-year old’s playing in the Major division should get strong consideration for the 10-year-old A – All Star team since they have played at an advanced level all year & have seen much better pitching

  • The team will carry a minimum of 12 players after the 12 players have been selected, the head coach may select a 13th player if they wish to do so

12U Major:


  • Each Major Head Coach shall nominate players from their team

  • Nominated players will then be voted on by the coaches of the Major divisions

  • The team will carry a minimum of 12 players after the 12 players have been selected, the head coach may select a 13th player if they wish to do so

Selection Notification:


  • Team head coaches will notify families after the All-Stars team selection process

  • There is a mandatory parent meeting

    • Uniform sizes will be confirmed & money collected

    • We will also be taking spirit wear orders



  • The cost will be set for “All-Stars” by June each year & will include;

    • A Uniform (Jersey & Hat)

    • 3 Tournaments for 8U, 10U & 12U A-Team’s which will consist of 2 road tournaments plus the tournament hosted by SWLYB

    • Any B-All-star Teams will receive 1 road tournament and may also play in the tournament hosted by SWLYB.

    • Any other All-star teams will be allowed to play in the tournament hosted by SWLYB only. 


Team Sponsorship:


  • The SWLYB League cannot offer a quality product on the field without the help of our community

    • For a Spring season, we need approximately 35+ companies willing to sponsor a team

    •  There are additional opportunities to sponsor a team in our fall season as well

  • Team sponsorship fees are established by the SWLYB Board

Sponsorship Guidelines:


  • The SWLYB Board will handle requests to sponsor within divisions on a case-by-case basis utilizing the following

    • Long term sponsors shall have seniority within their divisions

    • The Board will do their best to honor the sponsor's requests of sponsoring their child's team

    • Sponsors can sponsor teams in different divisions for an additional fee, but only if there is a need for additional sponsors

    • Sponsors may submit requests for team jersey colors & lettering choices

      • The sponsor may request what is put on the jersey (i.e. Script lettering)

      • Company logos cannot be used on team jerseys

      • Hats shall complement the jersey color

    • Teams will be referred to & listed on schedules by the sponsors name for maximum exposure